Elven Coin White Paper

Introducing “Elven Land” Mobile Application – (Elven Land Friender – ELF)

First of all

Welcome to a Family Adventure

Our App offers a unique opportunity for both children and parents to participate in building a family hearth together. This virtual world, named “Elven Land,” is designed to foster family bonding through shared activities and interactive experiences.

Beyond Just a Game

Elven Land is not just a game; it’s a comprehensive project. At launch, the App provides access to 20 tokens, 20 Coins and more then 130 Elven NFT Coins each with its own unique storyline. These tokens serve as investments that gradually integrate into the game. More importantly, the App includes a special system allowing users to monetize their personal skills, whether it’s writing, drawing, or any other craft. These tokens can be exchanged or used for various services on the internet, making them highly versatile.

Expanding In-Game Opportunities

Within the game, users can explore the City of Masters, a meticulously crafted virtual city where users can buy a space for their workshop, display their tools, and create a virtual business card. This city is open to any visitor with the App, fostering a dynamic community. Each master in the city has a reputation, and disputes can be resolved through a wise Elven judge. This transparent system allows for community voting on decisions, ensuring fairness and democracy.

Simple and Secure Registration

The App allows for easy user registration, with children’s accounts linked to their parents’ App for safety and to earn rewards from the parent’s wallet. Initially, bonuses are given in TRC10 tokens, which can later be exchanged for TRC20 coins, usable outside the game.

Building a Network of Friends

After registration, the App enables users to quickly exchange contacts by being in close proximity. This feature creates a network of friends, rewarding each action with tokens. For example:

  • Installing and registering: 0.000001 INTRO token
  • Adding a friend: 0.000001 KLUBO token

These tokens have specific uses and can be earned through various actions in the App, promoting active engagement and investment in the Elven Land ecosystem.

Finding Professional Answers using Our Coins And Tokens

In addition to these features, the App offers the possibility to find professional answers to any question. Users can access a knowledge base or consult with experts within the Elven Land Club Excess network to get reliable and professional advice on a wide range of topics from Elven Club /guild-of-craftsmen/ , helping to connect users with the right contacts according to their needs. Users who provide answers can also earn Elven Tokens and Coins as a reward for their expertise and assistance.

Evolving Into a Full-Fledged Game

In parallel, we are developing a game where each user can assume a role in the Elven world, such as a master tailor. Users can create a profile that showcases their skills and tools, providing a detailed virtual business card. This profile can be shared instantly, even when standing next to someone, making networking effortless and efficient.

Encouraging Engagement Through Rewards

After the initial setup, the App allows a few interactions before requiring wallet registration. A built-in assistant helps users through this process, ensuring they understand each step. Once registered, users receive tokens, and the app’s appearance changes to reflect a treasure-filled adventure, seamlessly integrating a cryptocurrency wallet with an engaging game.

A Fun and Safe Crypto Experience

Elven Land transforms the concept of a cryptocurrency wallet into an exciting and non-intimidating game. It’s not just a tool for managing digital assets but a fun and engaging world to explore. Join us in Elven Land and start your adventure today!

The Modern Solution for Instant Contact Sharing

The Challenge of Sharing Contact Information

In today’s fast-paced world, even the simple act of sharing a phone number can be cumbersome. You have to open your contacts, find the number, read it out loud, and the other person has to manually input and save it. This process is complicated by the fact that our contact lists are often cluttered with friends from various social networks.

Simply giving someone your phone number, or even your business card, is no longer as straightforward as it once was. Traditional methods of scanning business cards to save contact information are impractical and inefficient for both the giver and the receiver.

“Friender”: A Revolutionary Solution

“Friender” aims to solve this problem fundamentally. With “Friender”, all you need to do is install a simple App with just a few clicks. You can then enter your wallet number, if you’re a businessperson, and customize your business card. You can include your photo, a description of your services, and any other details that form your digital business card.

You can also create multiple business cards tailored to different situations. For instance, you might have one card for professional contacts and another for personal friends.

Effortless Contact Sharing

To share your digital business card, simply point your phone at the other person’s device and tap the “Send” button. The other person taps “Receive,” and the contact information is instantly shared. This works even without internet connectivity, such as deep inside a cave. Once connected to the server, the database will update if necessary.

The shared contacts remain on each phone, independent of the “Friender” project, allowing phones to operate in an autonomous mode. This ensures that contact information is always accessible, regardless of external connectivity.

Introducing “Friender”: The Modern Solution for Instant Contact Sharing

The Challenge of Sharing Contact Information

In today’s fast-paced world, even the simple act of sharing a phone number can be cumbersome. You have to open your contacts, find the number, read it out loud, and the other person has to manually input and save it. This process is complicated by the fact that our contact lists are often cluttered with friends from various social networks.

Simply giving someone your phone number, or even your business card, is no longer as straightforward as it once was. Traditional methods of scanning business cards to save contact information are impractical and inefficient for both the giver and the receiver.

“Friender”: A Revolutionary Solution

Friender aims to solve this problem fundamentally. With “Friender”, all you need to do is install a simple App with just a few clicks. You can then provide your Wallet number, if you’re a businessperson, and customize your business card. You can include your photo, a description of your services, and any other details that form your digital business card.

You can also create multiple business cards tailored to different situations. For instance, you might have one card for professional contacts and another for personal friends.

Effortless Contact Sharing

To share your digital business card, simply point your phone at the other person’s device and tap the “Send” button. The other person taps “Receive,” and the contact information is instantly shared. This works even without internet connectivity, such as deep inside a cave. Once connected to the server, the database will update if necessary.

The shared contacts remain on each phone, independent of the “Friender” project, allowing phones to operate in an autonomous mode. This ensures that contact information is always accessible, regardless of external connectivity.

Developing this project (Elven Land Friender – ELF).

This Application that will help people to connect each other from 10-300 m away without GPS and without any telephone lines, bluethooth , Wi-Fi or ultrasonic method , without LoRa (Long Range) Radio, without Zigbee, without Sub-GHz Radio,




help US to Connect

Elven Land Friender (ELF): Connecting Friends with a Flash

Imagine this: You’re at a bustling park, festival, or even just walking down the street. You see a familiar face, but the distance is a bit too far to shout across the crowd. What if there was a way to connect with them without needing to rely on GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or even a smartphone?

That’s where Elven Land Friender (ELF) comes in.

ELF uses the power of your ordinary telephone’s flashlight to establish connections with friends within a 10-300 meter radius. No fancy technology, just the magic of light and a little bit of ELF ingenuity.

Here’s how ELF works:

  1. Download the ELF app: It’s free and available for both Android and iOS.

  2. Connect your phone: ELF pairs with your phone’s camera and flashlight.

  3. Start friending: When you see someone you want to connect with, simply use ELF to send a unique light signal. The receiver’s ELF app will detect the signal and let them know a friend is nearby.

ELF is perfect for:

  • Keeping kids connected: Kids can use ELF to send a “Hi” signal to their friends, even if they’re a little too far apart to shout. Just a simple flash of their phone’s flashlight can bring them together.

  • Festivals and Events: ELF makes it easy to connect with friends in crowded situations without needing to rely on unreliable cell service or data connections.

  • Outdoor Adventures: When exploring nature, ELF helps you stay connected with your group without the need for GPS or expensive communication devices.

ELF is more than just an app, it’s a reminder of the simple joys of human connection. It allows us to bridge the distance and say hello in a way that’s both fun and nostalgic.

Download ELF today and rediscover the magic of connecting with friends, all with the simple flash of a light!


Given the constraints you’ve outlined—developing an application that connects users within a 10-300 meter range using only the capabilities of a usual telephone(smartphone) without relying on GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ultrasonic methods, or other radio frequencies—a viable approach would be leveraging magnetic field communication or visible light communication (VLC).

However, given the constraints and practical limitations, We will focus on an approach using Visible Light Communication (VLC), as magnetic field communication is typically for very short ranges and specific use cases.

Visible Light Communication (VLC)

Key Technologies and Methods


VLC uses visible light (usually from LEDs) to transmit data. It is a subset of optical wireless communications and can utilize existing lighting infrastructure for communication.
Implementation: The smartphone’s flashlight (LED) and camera can be used for VLC. The LED can transmit data by rapidly switching on and off, and the camera can detect these changes to receive data.
Advantages: Uses existing hardware in smartphones, secure line-of-sight communication, and avoids interference from radio frequency communications.

Key Features

Proximity Detection and Communication:
Data Transmission:

Use the smartphone’s flashlight to emit light signals encoded with data. The receiving device’s camera captures these signals and decodes them.
Device Identification: Encode unique identifiers in the light signals to distinguish between different devices.

User Profiles and Discovery:
Allow users to create and share profiles via VLC.
Implement a discovery mechanism to control who can detect and communicate with each other based on the light signals received.

Messaging and Interaction:
Enable direct messaging and data exchange through light-based signals.
Support various interaction types such as text messages, file transfers, and alerts using VLC.

Security and Privacy:
Encrypt light signals to ensure secure communication.
Allow users to manage privacy settings, deciding who can detect and connect with them.

Battery Optimization:
Optimize the use of LED flashlights to minimize power consumption.
Use adaptive signaling based on proximity and user activity to conserve battery life.

Development Steps

Research and Feasibility:
Study VLC protocols and adapt them for smartphone use.
Evaluate the range and reliability of VLC in different environments (indoor and outdoor).

Prototype Development:
Develop a basic prototype to test VLC between smartphones using their flashlights and cameras.
Implement initial algorithms for data encoding and decoding through light signals.

User Interface Design:
Design a user-friendly interface to manage connections, profiles, and communication via VLC.
Include features for adjusting visibility and privacy settings.

Testing and Optimization:
Conduct extensive testing in various real-world scenarios to ensure reliable performance and range.
Optimize light signal processing for accuracy and efficiency.

Beta Testing and Feedback:
Release the app to a select group of users for beta testing.
Gather feedback and refine the application based on user experiences and suggestions.

Example Applications

Li-Fi Technology:
Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is a VLC technology that has been explored for high-speed data communication. This concept can be adapted for short-range communication between smartphones.

Smartphone Apps Using VLC:
Some apps already use VLC for specific purposes, such as data transfer and device pairing. These examples demonstrate the feasibility of VLC for secure and efficient communication.

By leveraging VLC, We create an innovative application that facilitates local communication without relying on traditional wireless communication methods. This approach uses the inherent capabilities of smartphones, providing a unique and effective solution for proximity-based networking.

Get Ready for Epic Adventures!

We’re not stopping at connecting you with friends. We’re building a whole world of fun with the Elven Land Games! Get ready for interactive experiences that will keep you entertained, no matter your age.

And that’s not all! We’re also introducing the Elven Land Wallet. This is your personal hub for managing Elven Land Coins (TRC10, TRC20, NFT). Earn coins by playing games, participating in events, and more. Use your coins to unlock amazing rewards and exclusive content in the Elven Land Games.

Every coin you earn or spend helps the entire Elven Lander family thrive.

It’s a win-win!

Stay tuned for more exciting updates!



ELVEN LAND, an international project, provides promotional services, communication platforms and online educational tool-kits in order to train ordinary people on how to make money on the internet.

The reason for this initiative is to enable people to earn a living in response to the ever-changing economic conditions. Since the world is changing quickly, it is increasingly becoming very difficult for many ordinary people to earn sustainable incomes. Moreover people no longer believe that they can earn a decent life through earning basic income or living on pension schemes or social programs. There is a new shift, on part of ordinary people, to supplement wages and salaries with passive incomes.

This is necessitated by a rapidly growing population and the dwindling economic resources in some countries, resulting in a rise in poverty and human suffering. Our common ideology at ELVEN LAND is that, although we cannot change the world, we can change our mindsets, lifestyles and habits in order to sustain ourselves materially, socially and economically.

On the other side, there is a wrong perception that there are some kind of magic projects on the internet which can easily solve our financial woes. Because of this belief many people, who aim to earn high income from their limited effort incur big losses and other disappointing outcomes.

It is upon this background that Levelnaut Company undertakes to provide sound training to people who intend to earn online, by 

Based on the idea that in today’s life’s most significant problems revolve around issues relating to Money, Health and Knowledge, ELVEN LAND carefully selects virtual projects that will benefit its community members.

Thus, in effect, ELVEN LAND community members benefit from their collective experience and expertise to minimize risks they face when venturing in internet based business projects.

As a fact, ELVEN LAND was created in 2021 and expanded significantly in 2023, attracting many entrepreneurs, influencers, celebrities and community leaders to join its ranks. In all, ELVEN LAND’s mission is to help its members to invest or participate in legit online businesses, thereby shunning scam (fraudulent) projects.

Upon realizing the sad reality that many internet users lose their funds to fraudulent business organizations Levelnaut created a strategy to help many people around the world to engage only in legit internet business opportunities.

At the core of the ELVEN LAND movement is transformative education that empowers the community and its members to participate in transparent and legit income programs, thus safeguarding their valuable assets. The success of the ELVEN LAND community depends on several social and economic values such as integrity, transparency, ethical transformation, open communication and practical education.

More significantly, ELVEN LAND aims to empower global citizens through social integration, unveiling of affordable investment opportunities, economic education with a greater orientation on positive and healthy living. Thus, we believe that people can enjoy life to the fullest if they have the best of information in whatever they want to do.

In order to achieve this grandiose vision, ELVEN LAND depends on collective effort of the intended users, the team, business leaders, and other visionaries. Its fundamental principle is teamwork. The basis of group work (team work) is that what individuals fail to achieve in their separate endeavours, a group of like-minded people, will achieve as they harness the power of collective intelligence.

In conclusion, ELVEN LAND is an information hub for investment opportunities and other economic initiatives. With this in mind, our overarching aim is to assist in solving the fundamental problems that potential investors face when they search for investment opportunities.

As a matter of fact, the Levelnaut project deals with both traditional and blockchain-based projects.

Problems and solutions

The following are the key problems ELVEN LAND strive to solve:

  • Low initial investment funds

  • Lack of accurate information on investment opportunities

  • Unreliable marketing tools for online entrepreneurs

  • Unsustained” motivation

Lack of accurate information on internet-based investment opportunities

The truth is that there are many investment opportunities that people can get online in terms of both fiat or crypto-related ones. However, one of the greatest challenges that potential investors face are illegal business opportunities and scams. This has resulted in people losing much money.

For example, in the crypto world, people have invested in “shitcoins”, gaining nothing in return. Many rug pulls take place every year, resulting in many potential investors losing their funds. In the end, many people give up investing in internet-based businesses.

Most notably, lack of accurate information on existing internet-based investment opportunities result in this. ELVEN LAND closes this gap by providing potential investors with accurate information on genuine business opportunities. It creates eBooks and other material with detailed information on legit investment opportunities. These manuals have step by step information on procedures that people should follow when investing in specific organisations or income programs.

In order to provide accurate information to its community members ELVEN LAND carries out thorough research. In fact, some experts who are part of the team have existing investments in the said organisations and income schemes.

Low initial investment fund

Looking at the global income scenario, there are many aspiring investors who fail to invest because they do not have the required minimum amounts. For example, many crypto projects establish minimum levels of investment amounts in areas such as trading, staking, yield farming or saving programs.

Such scenarios block many low income people to invest and start online businesses. Sadly, the greater proportion of the world population lies in this disadvantaged group. That is the reason why there is so much poverty in the world.

To make matters worse, people who want to invest small sums of money do not easily identify the existing opportunities. Therefore, this is where ELVEN LAND comes in, supplying relevant and accurate investment information to world citizens, without discrimination or geographical limitations.

It educates people about low income investment opportunities, among others. It also offers people the opportunity to invest in programs that require very small sums of money, less than $10, of which many people around the world can afford. In addition, it focuses on diversification of projects. The existing investment opportunities are classified based not only on their reliability and activity in the specialized market, but also on the minimum investment required.

Unsustained motivation

In order for an investor to succeed in any venture there is a need for motivation and active participation in the business project. Nonetheless, this is not what most people do. It is a common practice that people put their funds in some income projects and participate actively for a short time. With time, the zeal to maintain their momentum in an internet-based business project decreases. If the project owners do nothing to help such people, they will completely lose their interest in the projects, even if they have injected some funds.

This is, particularly, the case if they fail to get their returns in a relatively short space of time. Mostly, it is lack of face to face communication and direct contact among the participants that results in such a dilemma.

One of the focuses of ELVEN LAND is to overcome this challenge through maintaining constant contact and communication with all its investment partners through different social messengers such as Skype, Telegram, Whatsapp, Discord and any other ones suitable at that time.

Through such open communication, the team gives support, counselling and mentorship to all participants. This is something that many online projects fail to do. The existing geographical, social, emotional and physical distance between the project owners and the users result in loss of motivation.

We believe that the education we provide should not be a once-off activity, where we hand the material to the participants. Instead, our educational program is on-going and two-directional. This is so because the right information, at the right time results in the right decision and the most suitable choice.

Unreliable marketing tools

Marketing is the lifeblood of any business as this sends the required messages to the customers or clients. For most people and organisations working online requires a clear coordinated marketing strategy, without which a business may fail.

However, novice investors who want to communicate with their audiences do not usually have suitable platforms. ELVEN LAND has a clear strategy to help its community members and partners to market their products and investment opportunities widely known and accepted. It uses pixel advertisement services to reach out to people around the globe, enabling participants and partners to share their visions and products.


In this section we discuss how Levelnaut will achieve its vision. In brief, ELVEN LAND achieves it vision through the following means:

  • Provision of suitable product or services

  • Active community involvement

  • Continuous educational service

  • Advertisement platform

  • Community website

  • Wallet – Game App
  • Partnerships

  • Social media platform

Active community involvement

We afford our members the opportunity to actively participate in our community activities. We have several communication channels and means to interact with them. Also, we get timely feedback from them through surveys and interactive platforms such as video conferences and voice calls.

Community website

ELVEN LAND will continue to run a community website, whose main focus is to give timely updates, on various developments, to our members. Initially, we shall use this website for our Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Thereafter, it remains open for communication with our community members and partners.


The success of any crypto-related project depends on the number of its strategic partners and their viability. The focus of ELVEN LAND is to forge various partnerships with traditional and crypto organizations that share the same aspiration as us. However, any partnerships should enhance our token’s utility and empower our community.


There are other organizations that purport to offer education services to would be investors and opportunity seekers. However, we are advanced in that we have a one-stop centre, offering both fiat and crypto-based investment and earning opportunities. And we have high value human capital and organizational competence.

After all, Levelnaut’s services are more integrated than the ones that currently exist in the market, where players offer a single or limited service. Significantly, ELVEN LAND offers mentorship to new and experienced members of the community.


This token built on the TRON blockchain is for gamification and design. Specifically, the token powers the following platforms and their functionalities:

ElvenLand – Investment. Optimization. Promotion

The ELVEN coin is inflationary as the quantity of the token will increase periodically at a predetermined rate, from the initial supply of 300 million.

The token shall be distributed as follows:

Purpose Percentage Comment
Sale of tokens 40% For development
Company Reserve 15% Locked for one year
Community rewards 15% Rewards for participation
Asset reserves 20% For acquiring new assets
Team 5% Team development
Advisors 5% Research and information gathering
Marketing 10% For promoting the project

Uses of the token

The following are the main functions of ElvenLand token:

  • People can buy our toolkits using the ELVEN token .

  • Also, members can invest in them, through the promo pixels on ElvenLand. Therefore, it is an investment asset.

  • It will be used for funding project expansions.

  • Apart from the above, it is also our governance token.

Token exchange

The token shall trade on our exchange- the ELVEN LAND Community Exchange Platform. Later, it will be listed on external exchanges, as indicated on our roadmap.

Road Map


  • Establishment of a Crypto community at ELVEN.INFO.

  • Experienced crypto users and networkers are united with the ELVEN LAND team.


  • The official launch of the ELVEN LAND project

  • Testing of crypto and traditional networks

  • Introduction of project toolkits.

  • Testing the toolkits as universal training guides and not for money making only.

  • Sale of training tool-kits at our platform- Levelnaut.biz.

  • Issuing out and distribution of Elven Tokens

  • Initial coin offering (ICO)

  • Bounty program and airdrops

  • Listing of Elven Coins on other exchange platforms.

2024: Second

  • Launch of the freelance platform.


The ELVEN is the governance token. Holders of a minimum required amount will propose and vote on developmental issues. Those with the voting privilege have equal voting rights and power. Therefore, the voting system results in community based decision making.

An eligible community member will require 1000 ELVEN to propose a resolution or to vote against a proposal.


The statements in this document include forward looking aspirations of the company, created with its community members at heart, which however, may fail to materialise. This is because the success of the proposed initiatives partly depends on external factors such as market, economic and political conditions.

Also the success of the project depends on several factors including:

  • Changes in the blockchain technologies and adoption

  • Evolving market conditions

  • Exposure to intellectual property violations

  • Valuation of the company’s goodwill

  • Ability of company to attract and retain valuable human capital

  • Changes in tax regulations and policies

  • And other unanticipated events.

However, the company will do whatever it can to achieve its mandate.


Behind this grandiose project is a team of experts and business gurus.


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